"Incomplete or invalid order" in Dental Manager TRIOS Inbox arriving from Implant System

"Incomplete or invalid order" in Dental Manager TRIOS Inbox arriving from Implant System


Description of the issue

Error Message: "Incomplete or invalid order. Message code 30:73. Title: - AbutmentKitID for the abutment is empty. Description: AbutmentKitID for the abutment on tooth "x" is empty. Additional message: Not possible to add an abutment on tooth "x", because the implant system with Manufacturer="y", System="z" and PartType="a" is not found in materials." 

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Most likely cause:

The implant system used in the order in Implant Studio is missing from the Dental System Control Panel.


Make sure that implant systems used in the order are present in the Dental System Control Panel. If they are missing - import them in and resend/reimport the order.

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