Price management: an overview

Price management: an overview


Every client and manufacturer must be linked to a Pricebook.  Prices can be further customized on a per client or manufacturer basis in their Client or Manufacturer Pricelists. 

For example: Silver Lake Dental and Gentle Dental are both linked to the same Master Pricebook, but only Silver Lake Dental gets a special price for Zirconia crowns. 


If you have clients with an entirely different pricing tier or scheme, you should create a new Master Pricebook. 

For example: if you have a fee schedule for doctors and a fee schedule for client labs, you should create two Master Pricebooks.  If you have more than one price tier (for example premium vs. economy), you should also create different Pricebooks for each price level, and link your clients accordingly.


If you use outsource manufacturers, you should give them a Pricebook and enter their prices for manufacturing each product item (what they charge you).



Pricebook - the fee schedule to which every client and manufacturer is attached

Client or Manufacturer's Pricelist - A Master Pricebook that is further customized on a per client/manufacturer basis


Billing > Price Management > Pricelists

*Note: New items are entered in Settings, NOT the price list.  To learn how to enter a new item, click here.

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