Product catalog overview
21/10/2024There are several categories that you should familiarize yourself with before beginning entry of your product catalog into 3Shape LMS. Here is an overview:
Product Type (Product icon) - Refers to whether a restoration is a crown, bridge, removable, implant, coping, or appliance.
Design Groups - Items are organized into parent groups called Design Groups, which determine what kind of designs and additional features are available during case entry.
**For example, Design Group "Full Cast" will not require user to enter shade, translucency, porcelain design options, etc.
Item - The specific item you are manufacturing; this is the product name that appears on the invoice
**For example, within the Design Group "Full Cast", you might have High Noble Yellow Gold, High Noble White Gold, the names of the products you offer (remember: the Design Group will not be a part of your product name on invoices and client pricelists, so name your products accordingly)
Additional Feature - add-ons to a restoration (usually carry a charge)
**Examples: porcelain butt margin, metal occlusal, extra clasp
**Additional features can be linked to an Design Group
Additional Product - Any item that does not go through manufacturing
**Examples: chair-side consulting, equipment lease, model carrying case
**Additional products are "shippable", which means it will pass through shipment center, "unshippable" which will go straight to ready for invoice
Alloys - You can assign alloys to restorations, so that an extra billing line item will be added automatically