3Shape Unite 24.1 - important pre-update information

3Shape Unite 24.1 - important pre-update information


With every software update 3Shape is bringing great new features and improvements to you and for Unite 24.1 you will  have all the new “cloud features”.

To ensure smooth update experience and be fully prepared for the changes introduced in 3Shape Unite 24.1 read the below information carefully.

Introducing cloud in 3Shape Unite

In this version of 3Shape Unite we’re introducing a new safe storage for your licenses and data (patients, cases, files, and settings), which allows you to access them from any device registered under your 3Shape Account company and share the data easily between devices.

What will happen during the update?

  1. Local data from your device is backed up.
  2. Licenses are transferred from your dongle to the cloud.
  3. Your Data (patients, cases, files and settings) is uploaded to the cloud - if the administrator of your 3Shape Account Company consents to using cloud storage.

These steps are mandatory and cannot be skipped or postponed as 3Shape Unite 24.1 can no longer get licenses for your apps from the dongle and has a new architecture that enables storing data in the cloud.

Note, that only licenses for 3Shape apps in 3Shape Unite will be transferred from the dongle into cloud. Licenses for other 3Shape software (e.g., Dental System, Ortho System etc.) will remain on the dongle.

Changes you will see after the update.

Data handling in the cloud

Local data is mirrored to the cloud immediately after login into the updated 3Shape Unite. If there are several devices registered in your 3Shape Account company, all data from all devices will be stored in the cloud. This caters for a disaster recovery scenario. Any data handling (downloading, uploading), state (‘downloaded’ or ‘in progress’) and change (new version of the case), as well as Cloud status for a device is visualized with new icons in 3Shape Unite.

New Licenses page in 3Shape Unite Store

3Shape Unite Store introduces a new page, where you can see all your 3Shaoe app licenses and subscriptions they are included in. Only licenses that are in the cloud (i.e., licenses for 3Shape apps in 3Shape Unite) will be visible on that page. The licenses that remained on the dongle will not be visible.
In 3Shape Unite Store it’s possible to transfer more dongles or retry transferring a dongle that had an issue during the initial transfer. In 3Shape Unite Store it is also possible to activate new cloud-based subscription via activation code.

Important Notes

  • Just like other cloud-based solutions, 3Shape Unite 24.1 always needs a stable internet connection to fully utilize the benefits of cloud storage and have uninterrupted access to app licenses in the cloud.
  • Starting from 3Shape Unite 24.1, country setting will be taken from your 3Shape Account company, and it will be not possible to select your country manually upon installation of a new device. If your current country selection in Unite doesn’t match with the country in your 3Shape Account company, you will be blocked from updating to 3Shape Unite 24.1 and need to contact Support for further assistance.
  • Make sure to have Windows updated before starting the upgrade progress.


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