3Shape Trusted Connection vs 3Shape Produce

3Shape Trusted Connection vs 3Shape Produce


What is 3Shape Trusted Connection? 
3Shape’s Trusted Connection program for 3Shape TRIOS Design Studio® offers a fully integrated workflow from scanning, designing, and milling with seamless integration of 3rd party CAM.

What is 3Shape Produce?
3Shape Produce is our next generation CAM solution that provides a unified and seamless user experience for production with 3Shape Studio Apps (Implant Studio, TRIOS Design Studio, Splint Studio), Model Maker and Model Builder Express.
3Shape Produce takes over as the last step in the design workflow and enables you to send files directly to integrated milling machines and 3D printers or export designs as .stl files via the Save to folder option.

What is the difference between Trusted Connection and 3Shape Produce?
The Trusted Connection program is limited to TRIOS Design Studio and selected milling machines while 3Shape Produce is available for all three Studio Apps, Model Maker and Model Builder Express, and it includes both milling machines and 3D printers. With 3Shape Produce the manufacturer tests the materials and then goes through a new validation protocol to ensure restorations quality.

When exactly will Trusted Connection be discontinued?
3Shape Produce and CAM Server (incl. Trusted Connection) will co-exist in the market until users have upgraded to 3Shape Studio Apps, Model Maker and Model Builder Express 2023.1 or later. At some point CAM Server (incl. Trusted Connections) will no longer be supported.

What will happen to the machines that are currently connected via Trusted Connection when updating to 3shape Produce?
There are two scenarios of what will happen after upgrading to the latest software version:
1) If the machine is integrated with 3Shape Produce, you will be able to send your designs directly to the CAM software or export them as .stl files via the Save to folder option.
2) If the machine is not integrated with 3Shape Produce, only the Save to folder option to export your design as .stl file will be available.

What machines that were supported via Trusted Connection will not be integrated with Produce?

Which machines will be integrated with 3Shape Produce?
At launch, a number of integrated mills and 3D printers will be available from Asiga, DGShape, Formlabs, Ivoclar, Rapid Shape, SprintRay, and vhf. However, the list will continue to grow. 
For an up-to-date list of machines integrated with Produce, see "Overview of integrated machines with 3Shape Produce" available on the Partner Portal here.

What are the differences in the milling machine/3d printer setup process with 3Shape Produce?
If you have a machine that has an integration with 3Shape Produce, once you update your software to the latest version you will need to perform its initial setup. Please refer to the section 'Machine setup' of our "How to get started with 3Shape Produce" available here.  

NOTE! The setup process may vary depending on the machine. Be sure to follow all instructions provided by the manufacturer (license availability, compatible CAM software version, etc.).

What will change in the CAD-CAM workflow with 3Shape Produce?
For all supported programs the workflow is the same - 3Shape Produce takes over as the last step with the same interface and features regardless of the design type or software and allows sending files directly to integrated milling machines and 3D printers or exporting designs as .stl files via the Save to folder option. 
In general, with 3Shape Produce the communication between 3Shape design software and manufacturing machines is simplified and unified. Thus, it makes it easy to manufacture surgical guides, occlusal splints, crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges, and models. 

NOTE! With 3Shape Trusted Connection, nesting and toolpath calculations are performed by the CAM server, so the production of the designs begins as soon as they are received by the machine's software. 
With 3Shape Produce, nesting and all the calculations are performed by the machine's CAM software, so after receiving the designs, additional steps might be required to be done there. It depends on the machine and in case of any problems with this part they should be addressed accordingly to the machine manufacturer.

To learn more about 3Shape Produce, see the relevant section on our Partner Portal.

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