How to import STL files as attachments for Ortho System

How to import STL files as attachments for Ortho System


Import STL files as attachments in the Ortho System

This article will guide you through the steps for the import of STL files as attachments in the Ortho System.

Steps to be taken:

  1. The customer/reseller must have the file in the STL format in the Attachments folder located in the following path:
    C:\ProgramData\3Shape\Ortho Control Panel\library\3Shape\Attachments.
  2. Open the Ortho control panel.
  3. The customer must locate the attachment settings option in the Construction Elements section, as shown below:
  4. Click on the Attachment settings option and identify the Add button on the left side.
  5. Click on the Add button, and then a window will show up asking to select an ID for the new attachment.
  6. After giving the attachment a valid ID, there are 3 attachment model paths: Attachment visual model path, Attachment additive model path, and Attachment subtractive model path. It is important that the type of attachment is known in order to place it under the correct type.C:\ProgramData\3Shape\Ortho Control Panel\library\3Shape\Attachments).
  7. When completing the previous step, the customer must proceed to add the Attachment to an attachments group (the customer can create a new group or add it to an existing group). If it is an existing group, click on the group's name, a window will show up next to it, and click on "Add current attachment".
  8. Finally, click on save changes and the attachment will be successfully imported for the customer to use it when he sees fit within the software.

Troubleshooting DME Issues

The best workflow to use attachments would be:

  1. Prepare model set.
  2. Go through Model segmentation.
  3. Virtual setup (add attachments).

If there is a DME that is not working properly, ex: does not have the orientation desired or does not load properly, for this type of issue related to external .DME files the customer should contact the provider.



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