Virtual setup Animation general information

Virtual setup Animation general information


Virtual setup animation: a quick guide

It is a feature that generates an animated file from the treatment planning, virtual setups. it includes extractions, teeth movements and Inter-proximal reduction (IPR). 

How to use it

Step 1: Open the case. 

Step 2: Go to Virtual setup tab.

Step 3: Perform the treatment planning.

Step 4: In order to generate the animation just click the green play button as shown below, in the menu at the left top side of the screen:

You will notice that the animation will start loading and will be shown on the screen.


Step 5: Once the animation has finished you will receive a message window stating that it has been generated and where it can be visualized. 

  • just click ok to exit it.

it usually takes around 10 to 30 seconds depending on how fast the computer is.


How to visualize the animation

Step 6: After clicking ok on the window above and saving the changes on the model set, exit it:

Step 7: Open the patient browser, scroll to the model that was used:

You will notice that on the preview a new tab appears at the bottom called Animations:

and when you click there you will find the animation. When you double click it on each file it will reproduce:

The animation that gets generated is of the whole treatment planning, on a continuous loop. 


  • In order to save the Animation on a desired location you can only right click directly on the animation and it will give you the option to save as on your local PC.

The following YouTube video depicts where all this information is contained.


 3Shape Ortho Analyzer How to Use Virtual Setup Animation

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