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How to change the sub-setups animation length
How to change the sub-setups animation length
Modify the sub-setup animation length.
Ortho system includes a tool called the sub-setups animation for the planning treatment in virtual setups. It comes with a default length of 10 seconds; this is independent of the number of sub-setups the whole treatment was divided on.
This animation length can be modified on the ortho control panel, in order to modify it please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Open the Ortho Control Panel
Step 2: Go to system settings
Scroll almost to the bottom under miscellaneous you will find the configuration for the Duration of animation file as shown below here it will be possible to modify the duration of the animation.
Remember that after performing any configuration on the control panel you need to save the changes in order for them to be saved appropriately.
If you would like a walk thorough guides to this procedure, please check our YouTube video below, for this specific step you will have to watch the last minute and a half of the video: