Searching in Production

Searching in Production


Use production search results to see what's currently late in each step, what's scheduled for today (or any future date), and to print daily case lists by task or technician.  You can also assign technicians, reschedule task deadlines, and move cases forward and backward.

1. Click on Production on the navigation bar to access the Production Dashboard




Production search results can quickly show you a list of the highest priority cases in your lab (according to the scheduled step deadlines that print on the work ticket).  Cases are sorted by step deadline (latest first), then by production line order priority (for cases with same deadline, later steps are shown first), then by what is currently in scheduled step, and finally by due date (earliest first).

The production search results are different than the homepage search results because they show what's in the lab only (excluding outsource and completed cases).  They show more information related to the schedule for the case, such as current step, scheduled step, assigned technicians, and step deadlines, making it easier to schedule, view, and print work for technicians.

Current step sort

There are two ways of sorting production search results: 1) Current step (default for lab staff user); and 2) Scheduled step (default for technician user). 


There are 2 filters in current step sort:

1)Step filter


2)Technician filter


Scheduled step sort

In scheduled step sort you can 1) assign technicians to steps due today; 2) assign technicians for work due tomorrow (or any future date); 3) print daily case lists for technicians.  Since completed cases drop off the scheduled step list, you can also refer to scheduled step sort to check the progress of a technician's work for the day.


How to print a list of what's due today

1) Click "Scheduled Step" sort.

2) Select a step and/or technician from the dropdown (optional)

3) Click "Print > Case List"

How to assign technicians future work

1) Click "Scheduled Step" sort.

2) Select a step from the dropdown.

3) Extend the date picker to "tomorrow" or beyond.

4) Use checkboxes to select, then click "Actions > Assign Technician".

5) To print list, select the technician from the dropdown, then click "Print > Case List."

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