How to move licenses from dongle into cloud
Moving subscription from dongle into cloud
After a device with a connected dongle is updated to 3Shape Unite 24.1 and any user has logged in, 3Shape Unite will verify if the current 3Shape Account company has any licenses in cloud available for 3Shape Unite apps. If no licenses were found, the user will be automatically presented with several steps to move subscription from the dongle into cloud

After the dongle was moved into cloud, 3Shape Unite will proceed with additional post-update configuration. Once the system is ready to work, you can visit 3Shape Unite Store to get the overview of subscriptions and licenses that moved into cloud on the new Licenses page in 3Shape Unite Store.
Is it mandatory to move a dongle into cloud after update to 3Shape Unite 24.1 or can it be skipped/postponed?
Moving dongle into cloud is a mandatory post-update step, as 3Shape Unite 24.1 can no longer use licenses from the dongle. The majority of 3Shape apps in 3Shape Unite require a valid license to start scanning or design workflows, therefore a company should become an owner of at least one subscription with relevant licenses in cloud to be able to work with apps in 3Shape Unite 24.1.
If 3Shape Unite failed to move the dongle into cloud (e.g. due to missing internet connection, or some unexpected error), the user will be prompted to try again or restart 3Shape Unite to go back to log in screen where it’s possible to contact 3Shape Support.
If 3Shape Unite was able to move the dongle, but the dongle didn’t have any relevant licenses for 3Shape Unite apps, the user will be notified about it and will have to contact 3Shape to get valid licenses.
What are the possible results of dongle transfer into cloud?
Result |
Meaning |
Subscription on this dongle only had licenses for 3Shape apps in 3Shape Unite, and all of them were moved into cloud successfully. The dongle can be unplugged[NRE1] as it’s no longer needed; however, this is not mandatory. |
Subscription on this dongle had licenses both for apps in 3Shape Unite and licenses for other 3Shape software (e.g., Dental System). This dongle should be kept, as the licenses for other 3Shape software still remain on the dongle. Licenses for apps in 3Shape Unite were successfully moved into cloud. |
Subscription for this dongle was not found, and no licenses could be moved into cloud. Most likely it was a demo/sales/trial dongle, and not a real production one1). If this is the only dongle that the user has, it is a production stop as there are no licenses available for apps in 3Shape Unite. Contact 3Shape Support as soon as possible. |
Subscription for this dongle was not found, but because a TRIOS license is present on this dongle the user will get a temporary cloud subscription with TRIOS license to continue scanning. The rest of the licenses were not moved into cloud. Contact 3Shape Support as soon as possible. |
This dongle was already moved into cloud of another company, that’s why it’s not possible to transfer it to the current 3Shape Company. Contact 3Shape Support as soon as possible. |
The user has already moved this dongle to the cloud of current 3Shape Company. There is no need to try to transfer this dongle again. |
Is it possible to move more than one dongle?
After the update to 3Shape Unite 24.1, all detected dongle in the current device will be automatically moved as soon as the user starts the transfer on the respective post-update step. If there are more dongles to move, that were not connected to the device at that time, it’s always possible to move them later in 3Shape Unite Store. See this chapter to learn how.