What is 3Shape Produce

What is 3Shape Produce


3Shape Produce is the next generation CAM solution that will replace 3Shape CAM server. It provides a unified and seamless user experience for production with 3Shape Studio Apps (Implant Studio, TRIOS Design Studio, Splint Studio), Model Maker and Model Builder Express. 

With 3Shape Produce the communication between 3Shape design software and manufacturing machines will be simplified and unified. Thus, it makes it easy to manufacture surgical guides, occlusal splints, crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges, and models.

3Shape Produce takes over as the last step in the design workflow and allows sending files directly to integrated milling machines and 3D printers or exporting designs as .stl files via the Save to folder option.

3Shape Produce patches

Release Date Comments
TRIOS Design Studio 2023.1 August 2023
August 2023
September 2023
Initial release, Scandinavia
Initial release, Europe
Initial release, Worldwide
Implant Studio 2023.1 August 2023
August 2023
September 2023
Initial release, Scandinavia
Initial release, Europe
Initial release, Worldwide
Splint Studio 2023.1 August 2023
August 2023
September 2023
Initial release, Scandinavia
Initial release, Europe
Initial release, Worldwide
Model Maker 2023.1 August 2023
August 2023
September 2023
Initial release, Scandinavia
Initial release, Europe
Initial release, Worldwide
Model Builder Express 2023.1 August 2023
August 2023
September 2023
Initial release, Scandinavia
Initial release, Europe
Initial release, Worldwide
To learn more about 3Shape Produce, see the relevant section on our Partner Portal.


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