How to add a laboratory in Unite software

How to add a laboratory in Unite software


What you need your 3Shape Account for

To be able to use 3Shape products and services, it is mandatory to have a 3Shape account. A 3Shape account allows you to:

  1. Send cases to other clinics or labs.
  2. Access the Communicate portal.
  3. Access the Community portal.
  4. Use any future services developed by 3Shape.  

    If you do not yet have a 3Shape Account, see here for how to make one.

In Unite it's possible to request a connection with a lab from the software directly:

Instructions on connecting to a lab:

  1. Open Unite software →  click Store .
    Labs now can be seen and installed as Apps in 3Shape Unite Store.
  2. Go to Labs → Type the lab name → click "Install" :
  3. In the Unite Store you can connect to a lab by installing its app. Installing a lab initiates the connection request process, consequently the installation of the lab is dependent on the lab's acceptance of the connection request.
  4. Labs will accept/reject incoming connection requests on 3Shape Communicate Portal (not in the Store). The connection requests you have sent to the labs will be seen as "Pending" in the Unite Store. Once the lab accepts the request, it's status will be changed to "Installed" in the Store.


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