"Unable to import the order. Unsupported material file version" when importing order into Dental Manager

"Unable to import the order. Unsupported material file version" when importing order into Dental Manager


Error with importing an order

When importing an order into Dental Manager there is an error message: "Unable to import the order [order file location]. Unsupported material file version: [Dental System version]" 

Affected Dental System versions: any version.

Root cause: the user is trying to import an order which was created in a higher version of Dental System than is currently installed. Same error will appear when trying to import a designed order created in a higher version but designed in a lower Dental Designer module.

Such action is not supported, as the orders can only be imported into the same or a higher version. A difference in the material file version does not allow to import an order created in a higher Dental System version.

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