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Not able to export as STL the Virtual setup with attachments in Ortho Analyzer
Not able to export as STL the Virtual setup with attachments in Ortho Analyzer
07/11/2023Troubleshooting missing sub setup with attachments in Clear Aligner Studio
If a treatment plan for Clear Aligner Studio has been planned with attachments and the customer complaints that they have tried to export all sub setups and are missing the sub setup with attachments, please take a look at the below:
Step 1: Was the customer recently updated to one of the latest version
If yes the customer might not be familiar with the fact that the subsetup named Original with attachments was modified to Subsetup 1 with attachments. Only the name of the setup was changed but it still works the same.
Older ortho system versions (2019.1 Version and below):
Latest version 2019.2 and 2020.1 (1.9.*.*)
Step 2: Additionally both the Merge attachments with models and the Export attachment templates saving options must be enabled in the save as options window, as shown below:
Step 3: Make sure that the three options (upper model, lower model and Model Set) are checked for the Sub setup 1 with attachments:
After checking the above review the export path and the sub setup with attachments should have been exported as required.