How do users upgrade to 3Shape Unite from older Dental Desktop versions?

How do users upgrade to 3Shape Unite from older Dental Desktop versions?


3Shape Unite is made available as an update for Dental Desktop.

Dental Desktop can be updated to its latest version 3 Shape Unite which will have additional and improved options and functions.

In order to upgrade Dental Desktop to Unite we must follow the following steps:

Login to Dental Desktop and select the administrator user.

Then we must go to the following path, click on "More" Then select "Software versions & Subscriptions" and click on "Installed Software & Upgrades", once we are located on this page click on "Check For upgrades".

Once we select "Check for upgrades" it will show us the modules and versions that we can install in our system, then click on "Upgrade now".

After this process, a screen will appear which will show us which type of installation we should perform, "Full Installation" or "Client Only" and click on "Next".

ADDITIONAL INFORMACION: Difference between a Server (Standalone) and a Client computer.

Once we have identified what type of installation we want to perform, we only have to click on "Next".

Once the installation is complete the name of the software will change from Dental Desktop to 3 Shape Unite and the user login should look different.

When we select our Administrator user it will start downloading the modules and installing them.

Once this process is complete, the software should load the latest version 3 Shape Unite and display additional options which you can explore by clicking on the "More" tab and then "Store".

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