Populating Anatomy and Pontic Library

Populating Anatomy and Pontic Library


Populating Anatomy and Pontic Library

To populate an empty Anatomy and Pontic library or modify one, you can either scan a model or import a scanned model.

Model Scanning:

To scan a model:

  1. Open ScanIt Library by selecting Anatomy elements->ScanIt library in Dental System Control Panel,click the Scan crown library button.OR
  2. In Dental System Control Panel, go to Anatomy elements->Anatomy and Pontic libraries, select the created library from the list and click the Scan library models button:
    Select the created library from the list, if not already selected, and click the tooth to scan. If the Mirror tooth checkbox is selected, the contralateral mirrored tooth will be saved as well. Click OK.

Before scanning, make sure to scan the scanning height from top is adjusted in Scan settings under File->Scan Settings.

Insert the model in the scanner and scan the model by clicking next. After scanning the model, Prepare the model scan.

Model Import:

To import a model: 

  1. Open ScanIt Library by selecting Anatomy elements->ScanIt library in Dental System Control Panel and click the Open crown library button.
  2. In Dental System Control Panel, go to Anatomy elements->Anatomy and Pontic libraries, select the created library from the list and click the Edit library models button:

This will launch Scan Library window in Scanit Library application.

To populate the library, select teeth one by one in the teeth map. Every time a tooth is selected, the confirmation window appears suggesting to perform import of the corresponding model. Click Yes and browse for the necessary file. After importing a scan, prepare it with the help of the ScanIt Library tools.

Model Preparation

Step 1: Cut the model's bottom

Cut bottom of the model to form a boundary by placing points for the bottom boundary with the cursor and click the Apply button. Click OK to proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Transform the scan -The scan can be set in appropriate coordinate system using the double sided arrows in desired directions. Click ok to proceed Next Step.

Step 3: Scale Down - Scale your scan by selecting the Scale Factor to scale the model to its real size. Click OK and then Next to proceed to the next step.

The black box shows the real size of the model.

Step 4: Remove Artifacts:

sculpt toolkit to remove artifacts with Remove artifacts tool and add or remove material using the wax knife tool. Click ok to proceed next step

Step 5: Add lower boundary and morph points

To use the automatic initializing of the crown design in Dental Designer, it is necessary to add a lower boundary to the scan and a number of morph (characteristic) points. 

Adding lower boundary is a similar method described above for bottom boundary.

When the boundary has been added, you are guided to add specific types of characteristic points. The points indicate the following tooth surface zones: cusp, groove, occlusal contact point and vestibular zone.

When the required points have been set, they are marked with ticks as shown on the image below. Optionally, you can also create custom Point Groups by clicking New. Having finished with the morphing points, click OK.

Click ok to finish populating the model scan.

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