Dental System upgrade FAQ and best practices
15/10/2024Upgrading to the newest Dental System version is a crucial step towards ensuring enhanced performance, stability and user experience. This document is designed to provide best practices and clear answers to ensure a good upgrade experience.
Is the latest Dental System release as reliable as previous version? Should I wait for a patch to ensure that any critical bugs have been addressed before upgrading?
We always recommend upgrading to the latest Dental System release. We are improving quality control with every new Dental System update. This year we further extended our quality assurance by introducing the Early Access phase where all our resellers and manufacturers get access to the software one month prior to the end user release to ensure readiness and compatibility as well as request improvements if necessary.
How can I learn about the new features in Dental System 2024 before upgrading?
We are continuously releasing updated training videos demonstrating the new features. The training videos can be found here:
Is it difficult to upgrade to the latest version?
Updating to the latest versions of Dental System is very straightforward and doesn’t take a lot of time. With the extra attention on the software quality in the latest Dental System updates, the likelihood of getting into a problem is small. At the same time 3Shape Support team is always ready to help in case of issues and can restore the automatic backup.
Our lab PC is not new, will the latest Dental System run slower on it?
Please check that your PC meets Dental System 2024 requirements before updating.
Can I directly upgrade from an old Dental System Version to the latest?
Yes, you can directly upgrade from an old Dental System to the latest DS 24. However, there are a few important considerations to ensure a smooth transition:
Order Completion: Ensure that all designs and orders created in older Dental System version are completed before upgrading. This prevents any misunderstanding or potential requests for downgrades (for e.g. after upgrading to DS 24, designs can still be made in Dental Designer (DD) versions 24, 23, and 22. However, compatibility with DD 21 and lower will no longer be available)
Database Requirements: MS SQL 2005 is no longer compatible with DS 24. Customers must upgrade their database to at least MS SQL 2017 before proceeding with the Dental System upgrade.
Situations where an incremental rollout makes more sense:
Incomplete Orders: If there are many active, unfinished orders in old DS, upgrading incrementally (e.g., from DS 2020 to DS 22 first and then after transition month - to DS 24) might be better. This allows for smoother order transitions and reduces compatibility challenges.
Infrastructure Compatibility: With old DS versions old PCs can be used, please prepare your PC accordingly to DS 24 System Requirements.
I am curious about the new features included in Dental System 2024. Where can I learn more?
In Dental System 2024 the speed and flexibility have been significantly improved. E.g. any operations with materials will be up to 10 times faster. Additionally, Dental System 2024 introduces cloud license, eliminating the need to use a dongle (will be rolled out gradually). The full list of improvements can be found in What’s new (coming soon).
My manufacturing center/Implant library manufacturer has not yet validated the update, do I risk making my system incompatible if I upgrade?
If your manufacturer is Nobel Biocare, it is important that they complete the validation before your orders can be processed. You can check the validation status in this knowledge base article. For other manufacturers Dental System allows sending orders in older formats so you can still send them while manufacturer is catching up with the latest updates. We make the latest Dental System update available for manufacturers during the Early Access period prior to its common availability so they ensure the readiness and compatibility.
Would I be able to finish my orders created in the previous version of the software after upgrading to Dental System 2024?
Every Dental System supports two previous versions of Dental Designer and therefore allows finishing older orders created in those versions. This also means that if you are currently running a Dental System version older than 2022 (e.g. 2021), please ensure to finish all your orders prior to the upgrade to the 2024 version. Alternatively, you can update to Dental System 2023, finish your older orders there and then later update to 2024 version.
Is Dental System 2024 changing existing workflows?
Dental System 2024 has no significant workflow changes compared to the previous version. On the contrary it has a number of new tools and improvements that will make using the product easier and will allow for time saving.
Can I go back to older versions after having tried Dental System 2024?
There is automatic backup done as part of the update process which makes it easy to get back to the previous version of Dental System in minutes. However, with increased focus on the software quality applied during development of the latest versions, it is very unlikely that a downgrade will be needed.
If I am running the TRIOS Inbox version just to export the scans. Would I get any benefit from updating my Dental System to the latest version?
New versions of Dental System always bring bug fixes and stability improvements. Also having the latest version ensures compatibility with ever evolving 3Shape ecosystem.
My lab has an older 3Shape lab scanner. Can we still use it when we update to Dental System 2024?
D1000, D2000, E1, E2, E3, E4 and F8 are all supported in Dental System 24. If you have an older scanner, you have two options:
- You can benefit from the great trade up discounts and get upgraded to the latest technology that offers faster workflows and better scan quality. Please contact your reseller to learn more about this option.
- You can receive a “Scan only” license with the latest available scanner software version. The scan only dongle should not be updated and needs to run on a separate PC than the Dental System 24 PC. Your reseller can help you set this up.
I don’t have a LabCare subscription. How can I upgrade to Dental System 2024?
We recommend you opt-in to the LabCare subscription to start benefiting from unlimited upgrades, support, hands-on training and events, and special product discounts.You can read more about LabCare here:
Alternatively, you may pay for a one-off upgrade capability.
Please contact your reseller to opt-in to LabCare or purchase a one-off upgrade.