"Retrieving orders failed" in Dental System Communicate Inbox

"Retrieving orders failed" in Dental System Communicate Inbox


"Retrieving orders failed" in Dental System Communicate Inbox

New orders do not arrive from the Portal and the message "Retrieving orders failed" is displayed in the upper-right corner of Dental System Communicate Inbox.

A red rectangular sign with white text

Description automatically generated

Affected DS versions: potentially all versions.

Possible root cause: Some orders in Communicate Inbox directory are not valid for this version of Dental System


  1. Go to Communicate Inbox directory (C:\3shape\3ShapeCommunicate\Inbox by default)
  2. Look for the order folders of the orders that are not present in DS Communicate Inbox
  3. Verify if the scans can be obtained from there
  4. Contact 3Shape support if it doesn`t help

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