Unite 24.1 Designation Feature FAQs

Unite 24.1 Designation Feature FAQs



Q1: Can a designated user share the subscription further? 

A: As of now, the Designation feature is intended for one-time sharing. Please let us know if you require additional functionality and we’ll add it in future releases. 

Q2: Can a designated user make changes to the subscription settings? 

A: No, the Designation feature grants access to utilize the subscription only but does not provide the designated user with administrative control. Only the subscription owner can make changes to subscription settings. 

Q3: Is there a limit to the number of users I can designate for access? 

A: Currently, you can designate only one User (3Shape Company Account) to a subscription. Please let us know if you require additional designation functionality and we’ll add it in future releases. 

Q4: How do I know if a user has accepted the designation invitation? 

A: Both you and the designated user will receive a notification in case of success. No additional action is required from the Owner’s side or User’s side. You can check the status in the Subscription Access view under three vertical dots next to a subscription.  

Q6: Can I revoke access at any time? 

A: Yes, the Subscription owner has the flexibility to revoke access permissions at any time. Simply access the Subscription Access view under three vertical dots next to a subscription. From there, change the user back to your company. Once done, the designated user will receive a notifying email. 

Q7: What happens to the designated user's access if my subscription expires? 

A: If the subscription expires, it's important to ensure that the subscription is active and paid to maintain continuous access for designated users. 

Q8: Can I designate multiple subscriptions to the Company I want?  

A: Every subscription can be designated only to only one User. You can designate as many subscriptions as you need to the User-Company, and setup the workflow you require.  

Q9: How is billing handled for designated users? 

A: Designated users do not have access to make payments or see billing history. The subscription owner is responsible for the billing, and all designated users share the usage rights only without additional charges. 

Q10: How to accept the designation invitation? 

A: There’s no need to accept designation invitation. Subscription is designated only from subscription’s owner account. In case you’re having troubles designating a subscription, make sure the designated user has the 3Shape Account available and you’re typing email correctly. 

Q11: How to see which licenses are shared with designated user? 

A: You can see the available licenses within a subscription under “My Product” page. Simply navigate to the subscription needed and unfold it to see all the included licenses. In case this subscription is designated, both you and designated user will have access to this subscription but software can be used either by owner or user at the same time. Please consider purchasing additional seats if you wish to work simultaneously. Please let us know if you require additional functionality and we’ll add it in future releases. 

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